Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Essential Question

Many people believe that it is the simple things in life that make us the happiest. Flowers, the sun, long walks in nature. Many of the most common things that cheer us up seem to be the most natural. Very few people will say that playing on the computer or watching T.V. make them into the happy people that they are. So why do we pull away from instincts and sit in front of a still screen for hours? It is scientifically proven that children who grow up watching T.V. have less intellect or mental development. While a day at the beach provides you with a well rounded atmosphere and total stimulus, T.V.gives you very little, it comes without feeling, smell or taste. But, perhaps we are jumping to a conclusion too fast. I recently read an article in which video games were argued to in fact have a very positive affect on a child's motor skills and problem solving abilities, so, I wonder, can video games help provide for a well-developed child and an ultimately happy person? It seems like the older the person, the more flowers heal. To some flowers can tell the love some does or does not feel for you. In younger generations we lean our tendeces tword the healing power of T.V. and a bucket of butter drenched pop corn. We are far more advanced in science and technology than our former generations however, are we more advanced in the art of happiness. Are we choosing the right path to happiness or are we choosing technological advances over happiness?

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