Thursday, February 22, 2007

Free Choice

My class was assigned two free choice entrees for our blog, this is my first and you be seeing my second soon.
Tradition is a large part of many families. Not ours. Many families have secret family recipes and visit relatives for traditional religious holidays during various times in the year. Not ours. Though my family on both sides has a long and quite eventful history it has carried little through the years besides the family stories and myths that are sketchy to say the least. I use to long for a family wound tight together by an old farm where ancient history lies at bay in as close quarters as the upstairs closet or basement just below our feet. My family is held together neither by this fantasy nor by the strong binding arms of relationship. My family on the outskirts, though once as impenetrable as I longed for is layered on more or less, unstable soil. and yet at the root where me and my brother along with our two parents lie, i have come to realize, there is a clumps of roots knotted together, unreachable by even the strongest of words.

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